Pujas & Homas
Ayusha Homa
Bestows longevity and good health.
Ayush Homa bestows with longevity and good health. This homa is usually performed on the occasion of Birthdays. It blesses the individual with long life, and good mental, physical and spiritual health. It is said to be effective in curing serious health ailments and even mental disorders. This homa has positive impact on the mind and mental health of a person. It acts as a remedy for those who are distressed and depressed.
The subtle energies of the Ayushya Homa rejuvenate the consciousness and enables us to recognise the undying and ever pure nature of consciousness. Thus, participating in Ayushya Homa is considered highly beneficial for a Sadhak in two ways – unveiling the eternal consciousness and strengthening the medium (the body) which enables to lead a spiritual life.

Ganpati Homa
Removes obstacles, brings happiness and prosperity
Ganpati Homa is dedicated to Lord Ganesha. Lord Ganesha is also known as “Vighnaharta”, the one who removes obstacles. He is also important for his Siddhi (success), Buddhi (wisdom and intelligence) and Riddhi (prosperity). Ganpati Homa is performed to seek his blessings for success and prosperity before starting any new venture.
Participating in Ganpati Homa helps to overcome any hurdles – physical or mental, increases positivity in the environment and brings success and prosperity.
Navgraha Homa
Nullifies the negative impact created by the Nav Grahas or the nine planets
Navgraha homa is performed to invoke the blessings of the nine planets. The placement of nine planets in our birth chart governs the ups and downs in our life.
All the nine planets play a significant role in your day-to-day life, and performing this homa can help you take full advantage of the powers they represent. The energy from the ceremony can neutralize the malefic effects of poorly placed planets and enhance the positive aspects of their attributes, allowing for a more meaningful and pleasant existence.

Mahalakshmi Homa
Bestows wealth and prosperity and manifests as the complete spiritual and material well-being of a person
Mahalakshmi is the Goddess of fortune, Goddess of wealth and Goddess of prosperity. Mahalakshmi Homa eliminates wealth related problems from our life and blesses with peace at home and workplace. It also bestows a person with fame and glory.
Grace of Goddess Lakshmi enables one to lead a financially stable and peaceful life. Therefore, Mahalakshmi Pooja should certainly be performed. Along with Mahalakshmi Homa, Pooja for Lord Kuber is also done as he is the protector of wealth.
Sudarshana Homa
Removes negative vibrations & keeps them at a distance
Sudarshan Homa is offered to Sudarshana, the infallible weapon of Lord Narayana. Lord Narayana is preserver and sustainer of the universe. Performing this homa invokes Sudarshana’s tremendous powers, which offers protection from negativity. It also signifies the removal of ignorance and illumination of a new life enriched with knowledge. The vibrations produced by this ritual bestow clarity and remove mental blocks of the mind, thus infusing confidence in a person to handle even the most complex tasks

Durga Homa
Removes disputes, bestows physical & mental strength
Durga Homa is dedicated to Goddess Durga. The homa invokes facets of Goddess Durga, who is the protective mother of the universe and the eliminator of suffering. Participating in this homa bestows one with strength, valour and removes negativity and fear. It helps in overcoming difficulties and protects from troubles.
Rudra Puja
Removes negative impressions from the mind, purifies the body & mind
Rudra Pooja is an ancient practice followed in India since time immemorial. ‘Rudra’ means ‘Shiva – the Benevolent’, ‘ the Destroyer of Evil’. ‘Pooja’ means that which is born out of fullness. Through this Pooja one can aim for inner peace and fulfillment. In this Pooja, Lord Shiva is worshipped in his Rudra form.
It is hailed by all Vedic scriptures as one of the greatest Poojas to remove all evils, to attain all desires and for all-round prosperity. Scriptures on Astrology prescribe this emphatically as a remedy for several planetary doshas.
The world is a play of energy: negative and positive. When we pray to Shiva – the Lord of transformation – the entire negative energy around us in form of disease, depression, and unhappiness gets transformed into peace, prosperity and joy. Then peace surrounds us in body, mind and soul.

Mahamrityunjay Homa
Removes illnesses & health problems, bestows longevity
Maha Mruthyunjaya Homam is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The homa is performed to achieve “Jaya” or Victory over “Mrityu” or death. This homa is performed for good health, curing prolonged sickness and longevity. This homa also alleviates “Mrityu dosha” or untimely death. This is said to protect one against accidents, any kind of misfortune and also removes the fears of death.
Subramanya Homa
Bestows energy, valour & victory
Subramanya Homa is dedicated to Lord Subramanya. Apart from performing the homa as a healing and energizing ritual to bestow immense benefits, Subramanya Homa can also be done for any problems related to Mars, especially Mangala dosha or Kuja dosha. Subramanya Homa blesses with good health and prosperity.
Lord Subramanya is the presiding deity of “Swadistana Chakra” which is one of the seven major energy centers in human body. He is the dispeller of all fears. Subramanya Homa can be done to overcome fears of all forms and remove negative vibrations from a space and restore it with intense positive healing vibrations.

Pitrudosh Pooja
To get blessings from ancestors
Pitrudosh in one’s birth chart prevents accumulation of wealth in their home, and there is lack of peace in the household. It also brings problems in marital life. Therefore, Pitrudosha Nivarana Pooja should be performed to eliminate the effects of this dosha. This pooja is specially fruitful when done during pitru paksh. The banks of river Ganga is ideal place to perform this pooja.
Kaalsarp Pooja
Removes any negative effects due to the astrological ‘Kalasarpa Dosha’
When Kaalsarpa dosha comes in the astrological chart, getting rid of it at the right time is important because it causes one a lot of physical and mental suffering. The mind starts getting inclined towards unhealthy habits and addictions. The dosha can also lead to untimely death. The holy banks of Ganga is the best place for this pooja to be performed.